Living abroad, I realised how sick the UK is 🚿πŸ₯© Olly Leicester l Ep. #048

Living abroad, I realised how sick the UK is 🚿πŸ₯©  Olly Leicester l Ep. #048

Olly Leicester was a joy to talk with. He is an active member of the UK Low Carb community and has been a great member of the Wolf Pack, our group extended fasts. 
We discussed his experiences abroad and how exposure to Asian cultures awoke him to the metabolic disaster in the UK today. He became a PHC ambassador and now helps NHS patients as a social prescriber. 
Unfortunately we had a delay on the call which meant that poor Olly was subjected to my fog horn voice over the top of him. He is a great sport and took it really well. Thanks Olly, you're a good man! 

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